Religion vs. Godliness

By: Shi-Anne Eakin

So you could say, “well we don’t want to be religious.” Okay, Yes… but so many people have driven that into the ground. They so don’t want to be religious anymore that they’re no longer godly.

The point is not to be religious, although there’s nothing wrong with pure religion. Pure religion is caring for the orphans and widows and keeping yourself unspotted from the world. So there’s pure religion. And I get “No we don’t want to be religious” but so many people have talked themselves — and many others, thousands, millions — out of being godly.

So you can say, “why would you read that much Bible?”

Why would you watch that much TV?

I’m serious. I’m asking the Lord, I’m treading in fear and trembling. I don’t want to get on a tangent against anything, but I feel the pleasure of the Lord, so I’m going to continue. If it lifts, I’ll stop.

When I found the Lord, when I found that HE was looking at ME… He wasn’t lost… I found that He was looking at me. I found that He had found me. I found that He loves me. I found that He is real. No hindu or muslim tried to talk me out of that, only Christians. And it was “don’t think about it so much”, “you need balance”, “for every spiritual thing you do, you should do a carnal thing”. It was interesting because at no point did I say, “Y’all watch too much TV” or “why are you drinking?” I didn’t say any of that. But they came to me, “Why are you reading that much?”

Does anybody ever think about “what is being gained by the hours of television I watch? And what could be gained by hours in His Word with Him?”

And we’re not talking about rules and regulations. We’re not talking about religion. We’re talking about GODLY. Because many people say, “don’t be so heavenly minded that you’re no earthly good.” Well what about being so earthly minded that you’re no good to anyone? Many people have bought this lie, “I don’t want to be religious” and they have talked themselves and everybody who comes their way out of being spiritual, out of being godly, out of being pure, out of even wanting purity.

It’s like the pursuit is more to pursue wordiness so you’re not perceived as imbalanced, so you’re not perceived as religious. God, forgive us.

God, help us. God, deliver us. I’m asking right now. Anyone listening. Every place that has taken root and is still prospering in your heart. In the Name of Jesus. Every evil spirit behind that, be broken in the name of the Jesus.

Every evil spirit that brings this deception that we should disguise love for Christ, that we should disguise a longing and a hunger for truth and righteousness, that we should disguise a longing and a calling to worshippers who worship in Spirit and in Truth, in the Name of Jesus… Every evil spirit that comes against that, be broken in Jesus name.

Every mindset that feels we’ve got to justify love for the Lord, excuse, quality, apologize for… In Jesus Name. Every mindset that comes against holiness, godliness, purity… oh Lord, deliver us. Help us, God.