Spiritual Promiscuity + Worth and Work

You must understand that the cross proves your worth.

Otherwise, women are only going to switch from physical promiscuity to ministry—to establish worth. Physically sleeping around, to spiritually sleeping around. You can totally have an affair with a ministry just to gain worth—to feel you have value. But the cross—that God would send His Son—shows your measure of value to God. Then your value and the measure of your worth is set. Then, as Paul said, if you have a desire for ministry it doesn’t matter to you if you sow the seed, water it, clean the toilet, hold the microphone, give a testimony, or you are laying in bed sick listening to livestream. Your value doesn’t diminish based on your work. Your work does not determine your worth. The work of Christ shows your worth! Your work for Christ does not determine your worth to Him, it shows Him His worth to you. We work for Christ because He is great and worthy and He is working in us. But it is His work that shows your worth. You don’t ever have to establish your worth again. Many people are only promiscuous because they are trying to feel a sense of worth. They are desperately trying to be loved, and that can transfer right into ministry or community. It’s why so many things happen (jealousy, offense, division, bitterness, etc), because we are trying to establish and maintain some sense of worth when the cross clearly shows our worth. The cross is not diminished with age, seasons, sickness, or health. Our worth is set.

We are of so much worth to God that He sent Christ. We do not have to work for worth!

Our service to Him is because He is worthy! Not us trying to be worthy. Your service to Christ should only be because He is worthy, not to make you worthy.

Shi-Anne Eakin

Eyes On Jesus Nashville