We’re Not Target & We're Not Targeting You

By: Shi-Anne Eakin

We want Him and HE wants You.

“No man comes to Me unless He’s drawn by the Father.” — John 6:44

We’re working on the website right now and I want everything that’s posted, posted in humility. I want every line, every connection, every everything to be posted in humility… Because I’m not trying to present ourselves as a church that people are looking for.

I want to be a church He’s looking for, a Bride He’s coming for.

So I just feel like it’s easy to start, “Hmm, What are people looking for? What do people want to see?” I don’t care. I wanna be who HE wants to see. I wanna be who HE’s always hoped…He’s always longed for people who would love Him. When you read the Bible, it is so clear from beginning to end, from how the children of Israel wondered in the wilderness because He wasn’t enough for them, to Him coming the church in Revelation saying, “Look how far you’ve fallen” (Revelation 2:5). He has always longed for a people who would love Him. That’s the Church I wanna be. I don’t care about being a church that people will love. They love bars. They love clubs. They love doctors. They love target.

We’re not target.

We’re not targeting an audience. We’re not target. I wanna be a church that God’s always wanted. I wanna be the Church that He’s forming.

I wanna go by his blueprint…

I’m not trying to put my blueprint on anyone; I’m not trying to put my thumbprint on a people. I’m not trying make a church that looks like me. I wanna look like Him. We will look like Him as we look at Him.